Level 3 Remote


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This is the highest level remote and is an upgrade from the Level 2 that includes working with the practitioner during the testing. It is super collaborative. Some things that might be tested for are causal issues related to chronic sensitivities, advanced allergies, elusive reactive issues, hereditary tendencies, methylation, exercise/weight loss difficulties, to name a few. Yes, we have been known to chase a few rabbits around which is often quite illuminating. 


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What exactly is a remote?
We use the term “remote” to mean energetic evaluations that are done remotely. We have clients all across the country, to be sure, but we also have clients who live close to our office, and still, because of their busy schedules, opt for regular remote testing because it is more convenient. Remotes are perfect for spouses who need balancing but are too busy to set time aside for an in-person appointment and also It is also great for children and pets.

Everything and everyone is made up of energy (read about Einstein’s E=MC2). If you ever doubted that, just have someone walk up to you at a get together and stand very close to you – too close really, so that you find yourself stepping back to maintain a more comfortable distance. What is happening there is that you are feeling their energy, and it is disrupting your energy.

Because everything is energy, your photograph contains your energy and acts as a holographic stand-in for you. We have also used other energy “containers,” (hair samples for example), but now simply use your photograph (photographs can be old, or recent).

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Frequencies are not drugs nor medicine.

This remote Is everything that the Level 2 is and then some. It includes an appointment/check-in call each time your remote is done so that you can ask questions, discuss findings, get direction and participate the test-running process related to those findings. The call time is for 30 minutes but can be expanded upon as needed if the schedule allows it (additional time is charged). The call would take place while the tests are being run so there may be little advance notice as we have a floating schedule. It works best if the client has some flexibility on their end but if they don’t, we can catch up another time to discuss the results. If a call is not needed, but extra help is, we can cover the extra issues that are requested to be looked at and give feedback. If we go this route, you can email your requests in ahead of time.

So yes, this remote is run a bit more fluidly than the others and this is where your concerns, or our insights can be investigated in real-time. Some things that might be addressed during a Level 3 might be investigative work re symptoms and history, complicated long-term issues, supplement testing or expanded allergy or environmental testing. The scope is fairly limitless.

“I wanted to let you know that about a month into my imprints the pain in my jaw completely went away and I had the dentist examine me and it was healed. It was like a miracle. They had wanted to do surgery which would have just made it worse.”


  • 15 minute free phone consultation for new clients to discuss their after-test results and get a feel for the process
  • 2 bottles of customized frequencies
  • a list of recommended supplements (herbs, homeopathics, detoxifiers, vitamins and minerals) etc which we can order for you if you wish (these supplements will change over time as the body progresses and heals).
  • a customized emotional (neural retraining) script
  • bioenergetically & electromagnetically attuned and imprinted to specific custom frequencies
  • Ingredients: structured water containing Biotite, *Grape Seed Spirits (8% alcohol by volume). *Certified organic, No side effects, no chemicals, no pesticides. no herbicides, no toxins, no preservatives, no fillers, no dyes, gluten free, dairy free – just energy. Taken 2 x day under the tongue – success 10 times (hit on the palm of the hand) before taking

*Restoring and balancing these issues may improve energy levels and diminish stress. Frequencies are neither medicines nor treatments. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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